Game over - MAFIA!

This article is the culmination of the knowledge we have gained through our hard and dangerous work. We went through many difficult trials, assassination attempts and threats. Today, however, we stand with the results of our work and will gradually work towards an answer to what is happening behind the scenes. Who really controls this world and why everything happens the way it does.
I may not be far from the truth that many of us perceive many events around the world that are truly terrible, but do not seem to make common sense. The problem of lack of knowledge is the impossibility of understanding the entire scheme. Literally a crazy machine that destroys everything. Let's go back to the beginning of the story.

VICTIMS who stood up to the mafia...

You know our story intimately, but let's recap the main points of what was revealed:

  • Scheme of operation of the mafia.
  • Method of liquidation of witnesses
  • Conducting politicians and covering up their criminal activities.
  • Authorizing psychiatrically disturbed persons to persecute and threaten victims
  • Appointing your people to risky positions for them - removing honest people

The result of all this we went through was a comprehensive scheme that can be attached to any state, mafia problem and we have an almost immediate result.

The Mafia is nothing more than a group of psychiatric patients who are addicted to money and drugs. The result of their action is the simplest possible scheme of crimes, because their mental equipment is equal to a Neanderthal.

Let's know the past to know what will happen in the future...

So in the years 2020 - 2024, we were able to use our scheme to gradually uncover a number of frauds and perpetrators of murder. However, if we want to understand current events, we need to immerse ourselves in history and start searching outside the prescribed courses of truth. The real truth is never written in a history book, but in the moments that are hidden.

If we start from the knowledge that the mafia became most active roughly in the 19th century, then we started our search for the truth in the times of the biggest wars and it paid off.

On April 20, 2024, we published an article that reveals the real reason for the start of World War 1 and at the same time for the division of AUSTRIA - HUNGARY. - TG Masaryk - 1st president and his amnesty.

Why did Masaryk go to Chicago in 1918?

Because during this period the Italian mafia was very strong in the city of Chicago....

Example 1910 - Chicago police arrest over 200 known Italian gangsters and known members of the Black Hand in a raid in Little Italy. However, none of them were convicted because many of the tips about blackmail threats could not be traced back to these men.

BLACK HAND - History and activity

The roots of the Black Hand can be traced back to the Kingdom of Naples in Italy in the 1850s. However, the term, commonly used in English, specifically refers to an organization founded by Italian immigrants in the United States in the 1880s who, although fluent in their southern Italian regional dialects, had no access to standard Italian, or even to an education at gymnasium. A minority of immigrants formed criminal syndicates that lived side by side. By 1900, Black Hand operations were firmly established in the Italian-American communities of major cities including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans, Scranton, San Francisco, and Detroit. Although more successful immigrants were usually targeted, perhaps as many as 90% of Italian immigrants and workers in New York and other communities were at risk of extortion.

Among the most famous personalities of the Black Handers was Ignazio Saietta, known to residents of Manhattan's "Little Italy" as Lupo ("Wolf"); in 1920 he was finally caught by federal authorities for forgery and sent to prison for 30 years. The most famous enemy of the Black Hand was Lieut.Joseph Petrosino (1860-1909) of the New York Police Department, who had hundreds of gang members arrested, imprisoned or deported before he was shot in Palermo while visiting Sicily in 1909.

A typical Black Hand tactic involved sending a letter to the victim threatening bodily harm, kidnapping, arson or murder. The letter requested the delivery of a specific amount of money to a specific location. It was decorated with menacing symbols such as a smoking gun, a hangman's noose, a skull or a knife dripping with blood or piercing a human heart, and in many cases it was signed by a hand, "held in a universal warning gesture", with a print. or drawn in thick black ink.--

Al Capone founded the mafia under the name: Chicago Outfit.

And you believe that everything is as they tell you in history class...

The main thing is that Beneš and Masaryk were members of the MAFFIA!

If you read and perceived carefully, Masaryk and Beneš were puppets of the Italian mafia. DID YOU KNOW that the MAFFIA organization existed in the years 1914-1918? Of course, their goal was the creation of Czechoslovakia. In reality, the mafia's goal was to create a number of small territorial units around the world to make it easier to corrupt and make favorable deals with all paid politicians and officials. After all, a smaller unit is easier to control than the big states. It was during the period of the first republic that the so-called white powder. Of course, not a word about the Italian mafia, because it doesn't suit history...

The fact that there were no Russians involved can be easily disproved by the fact that the same practices took place in Czechoslovakia as in the USA. For example, PROHIBITION began in the USA in 19 - Prohibition in the USA is the name given to the effort to completely ban alcoholic beverages in the 1920s in the United States of America. In short, it's a totally contrived trick the enrichment of the Italian mafia in the USA. At that time, the greatest Capo Di Tutti Capi (Boss of all bosses) was AL CAPONE

Al Capone "Scarface" - was an American gangster and businessman who rose to fame during the Prohibition era as the co-founder and head of the Chicago Outfit from 1925 to 1931. His seven- year reign as a crime boss ended when he went to prison at the age of 33. These practices also took place in Czechoslovakia and it is a direct link to the Italian branch. What else happened during the first republic? Of course, fraudulent companies were created and fraudsters sent their money to Switzerland. At that time, Switzerland guaranteed complete anonymity, and thus Switzerland is de facto the first tax haven for the mafia in the world. If we look behind the curtain, the functioning of banks in Switzerland was invented by Meyer Lansky.

Meyer Lansky - born Maier Suchowljansky, was born in Grodno in 1902, the former tsarist Mask

Nicknames: Mafia accountant, secretary of the Ministry of Finance.

Originally a Jew, he developed into one of the biggest gangsters in the world of the Jewish mafia. He was considered a genius in the field of finance. He created fraudulent schemes in which black income was legalized. He even owned a bank in Switzerland. He played a major role in consolidating the criminal underworld by introducing money laundering and offshore banking in 1932, which was used for cash from the heroin trade in the 1950s. Along with Lansky, Joseph Stacher also rose to the forefront of the Jewish mafia syndicate.

Joseph Stacher - was born Gdale Oistaczer (commonly pronounced Gedalia) in Letychiv, Ukraine around 1902. As a teenager living in Newark, New Jersey, he befriended Meyer Lansky and Abner Zwillman. Stacher operated West Coast and Caribbean gambling for Lansky during the 1930s and became a silent partner in Columbia Pictures in the late 1930s, later overseeing gambling in Las Vegas, Nevada, particularly at the Sands and Fremont casinos.

A large part of the income was precisely the cocaine business, and the Jews had to think about how to legalize it not legalizable!

Do you remember the person Lucky Luciano? It was in an investigative documentary called

Euromafia - video time 40:37

Charles "Lucky" Luciano - born Salvatore Lucania in 1897 in Sicily - Lercara Friddi

Luciano is considered the father of modern organized crime in the United States for the establishment of the Commission in 1931, after he abolished the title of boss of bosses held by , Salvatore Maranzano after the war in Castellammarese. He was also the first official boss of the modern Genovese crime family. The Genovese clan controlled all of New York and New Jersey.

The organization not only ran traditional businesses, but other areas such as trade unions were also under its control. This influence penetrated into the twentieth century. The official FBI website has this statement: "Unions provide a rich resource for organized crime groups: their pensions, welfare and health funds. There are approximately 75,000 local unions in the US, and many of them maintain their own funds. In the mid-1980s

Over the years, the Teamsters controlled more than 10,000 funds with total assets of more than $9 billion dollars".

In late 1935, New York Governor Herbert H. Lehmann appointed a young lawyer, Thomas E. Dewey, as special prosecutor to investigate illegalities and grand jury racketeering in New York. He was to be extremely successful: he obtained 72 convictions out of 73 prosecutions, including the largest - Charles "Lucky" Luciano, sentenced in 1936 to thirty to fifty years for running a prostitution ring.

However, World War II was to provide Luciano with an opportunity to get out of prison. Obviously, crazy things were happening in Italy. Benito Mussolini became the head of state. A member of the Camorra and began the "cleansing" of Italy from Cosa Nostra. In translation, it was just a power struggle. As a result of the mafia persecutions, over 500 of the biggest gangsters came to the USA. In 1929, the Roman Catholic Church received - 0.44 km2 - the Vatican - Lateran Treaties for supporting Nazism.

As we mentioned above. So the pressure for prohibition was great and he was the great initiator

Henry Ford. That Henry Ford, who subsequently supported Nazism and himself Hitler. With his activity, he first helped the Italian mafia to make enormous profits, and then also he subsidized Hitler financially. We are gradually working towards what we have already told each other. On one side you have Ford supporting Hitler and helping the Italian mafia and on the other a member of Mussolini, who is trying to make the Neapolitan mafia the biggest in the world. It unleashes wars in Africa and weapons. At these very moments, let's go back to Czechoslovakia and take a look on the fingers of Benes, who is preparing a third plan on handing over part of Czechoslovakia - Hitler! No, the Munich Agreement was not about betraying the West, but about confirming what a traitor proposed Benes. Subsequently, this helper of the Italian mafia runs to his friends. Where? Chicago...

After the stock market crash on Wall Street in 1929, there was poverty in Czechoslovakia as well. Therefore, people resorted to eating meat from animals that had been dead for several days. This era brought to the throne fools like Tiso, or Hitler or Beneš. All the characters were tragicomic and mainly belonged to the upper caste - the Italian mafia. Jozef Tiso - a Slovak - a traitor, got to his position as the "boss" of Slovakia at the end of the 1930s. He loved to lie and was inclined towards Nazism. Edvard Beneš became president after the death of T.G. Masaryk. The year was 1935. The game of death had long been played in Europe. But here comes a mistake that continues to this day. Edvard Beneš prepared the so-called the third plan. It was actually treason and Beneš knew it. Not. The Munich Agreement was not a betrayal of the West, but a betrayal of one's own person. Edvard Beneš. This henchman of the Italian mafia always did everything so that he could live in prosperity and out of wars. Beneš handed over the Czech Republic and the Sudetenland to Germany. Do you know where he went afterwards? To Chicago. The capital of the Italian mafia in the USA. This city was mainly known for the person AL CAPONE. The boss - the boss, of the Italian mafia. Coincidence? Then there is another betrayal. Again, it is strongly emphasized that the West agreed with Stalin on the division of Europe after the Second World War. Well, it's not like that. Consider that in 1943, the Italian Cosa Nostra (Lucky Luciano) agreed with the US, on a rather big deal. Landed in Sicily. Well, Beneš, the great democrat, agreed with Stalin in 1943 to hand over Czechoslovakia to the Soviets.... After the end of the war, he came to the republic as a hero and before his death managed to introduce the so-called Beneš decrees. In short, he stole people's property and drove them out of the country.

  • Decrees issued in exile in London in the Czechoslovak Official Gazette
  • Year 1940
  • constitutional decree of the President of the Republic of July 21, 1940 on the establishment of the State Council as an advisory body of the temporary state establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic,
  • constitutional decree of the President of the Republic of October 15, 1940 on the temporary exercise of legislative power,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated October 26, 1940, regulating the public announcement of newly issued legal provisions of the Czechoslovak government,
  • decree of the President of the Republic dated October 26, 1940 on Czechoslovak field courts.
  • Year 1941
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated April 23, 1941, which authorizes the government to take over the state guarantee for deposits made with the "Czechoslovak Army Savings Bank Abroad",
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated August 12, 1941, establishing the state budget for 1941,
  • Decree of the President of the Republic dated August 13, 1941 on the establishment and employment and salary conditions of employees of the Czechoslovak Republic abroad,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated August 14, 1941 on the provision of military personnel released or transferred from active military service abroad and their family members in the area of ​​sterling currency,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated November 13, 1941 on the establishment of the Ministry for Economic Reconstruction of the Czechoslovak Republic,
  • constitutional decree of the President of the Republic dated November 24, 1941, which amends the constitutional decree of the President of the Republic dated July 21, 1940 no. 1 Reg. Vest. MS. on the establishment of the State Council as the advisory board of the temporary state establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated December 30, 1941, establishing the state budget for 1942.
  • Year 1942
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated February 28, 1942 on the exemption from the service of military guards with the Czechoslovak Army abroad,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated February 28, 1942, which regulates the leave of professional military guards, released in the military interest for special tasks outside the scope of the Czechoslovak Armed Forces abroad,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated May 13, 1942 on the organization of the Czechoslovak Armed Forces on the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated August 13, 1942, supplementing the organization of the Czechoslovak Armed Forces on the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated October 15, 1942, establishing an amendment to the state budget for 1942,
  • Constitutional Decree of the President of the Republic of October 27, 1942, amending the Constitutional Decree of the President of the Republic of July 21, 1940 No. 1 Reg. Vest. MS. on the establishment of the State Council as an advisory body of the temporary state establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic as amended by the constitutional decree of the President of the Republic dated November 24, 1941 no. 3 ex 1942 Reg. Vest. MS.,
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated December 8, 1942 on the completion of medical studies with final exams and on the graduation of Czechoslovak doctors of general medicine in Great Britain,
  • decree of the President of the Republic dated December 31, 1942, establishing the state budget for 1943.
  • Year 1943
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated October 21, 1943, establishing an amendment to the state budget for 1943,
  • Year 1944
  • the decree of the President of the Republic dated February 10, 1944, establishing the state budget for 1944,
  • Year 1945
  • Decrees issued in the liberated Czechoslovakia and published in the Collection of Laws and Regulations of the Czechoslovak Republic
  • constitutional decree of the President of the Republic of April 2, 1945 on the new organization of the government and ministries in the transitional period

Everything starts to fit together like a house of cards. You perceive those networks that are about didn't say and are already obvious? Not yet? So let's move on.

World War II has broken out and innocents are dying because of a few psychopaths. In essence, a mafia conflict arose. Operation Barbarossa was an operation to exterminate Jews and other minors in Ukraine and Belarus. Why? Weren't the two highest figures born there, who controlled almost the entire world as part of the Jewish syndicate?

It is no accident that Switzerland did not have a problem with gold, which came from millions of murdered Jews, Roma, Slavs, "enemies" of the state. Melted gold teeth and for them money for new and new weapons for Hitler.

On September 23, 1940, SS Reichsfurher Heinrich Himmler ordered SS doctors to collect gold teeth from the mouths of the dead and also "gold teeth that cannot be repaired" from the mouths of living people. . This decree, which was part of Operation T4, was not systematically applied to concentration camp prisoners.

Himmler orders the systematic collection of dental gold by the second decree of December 23, 1942.

This measure directly results from the specific organization of the Final Solution.

Switzerland and the entire banking sector became a monster even after the end of the war. They refused to return their property to the survivors on the grounds that they needed death certificates. The billions that were thus in the banks of Switzerland were kept by the mafia for illegal activities, and crazy things w< 40 years, when Switzerland finally apologized and made amends. They waited until most of the victims were dead! Of course, I believe it will not surprise you that the mafias had their banks in Switzerland.

The fighting was going on and the mafia found out that Hitler and Mussolini were worthless. This was not about selfless help in gaining freedom for Italy and the whole world, but about a simple vendetta on the part of Cosa NOSTRA. First, the mafia created Nazism, and once they made enough money, they wanted to play nice and return the Camorra's "kindness" with their "kindness." That's why Lucky Luciano made a deal with the Navy Department during World War II through his Jewish mafia associate Meyer Lansky to provide naval intelligence. In 1946, his sentence was commuted for alleged war cooperation on the condition that he be deported to Italy. What was it about? Luciano was able to continue to run his various businesses from prison and maintain contact with all of his lieutenants. The war gave them a chance to help the government: 9 . February 1942 in Normandy, a French steamer converted into a military ship caught fire and finally sank.

Of course, the credit for this action was taken by the secret services, but in reality it was done by the Italian mafia. Under the terms of the secret deal known as Operation Underworld, Luciano could help the war effort in other ways. Invasion of American forces in Sicily and then in Italy. The intelligence provided through Lucian's connections helped greatly. The Mafia also helped root out communist influence in Italy's resistance groups and in municipal and city government. Where, after disembarking, they installed their friends - mobsters from Cosa Nostra. The vendetta was complete. However, Luciano didn't really want to keep the agreement he made with the government, and that's why an event happened that subsequently changed the whole world!

The Havana Conference of 1946 

It was December 1946, and under the guise of attending a Christmas party at a hotel with Frank Sinatra as the main entertainer, dozens of America's crime lords, the Cosa Nostra and their Jewish allies, arrived for a conference called by the most important of them all. Capo Di Tutti Capi (Boss of all Bosses) Charlie "Lucky" Luciano called them and his invitation could not be ignored.

Winston Churchill

For the sake of interest. In 1946, Winston Churchill arrived to "relax" in Cuba.

Of course, before that he spent his rest in Italy at Lake Como....


"The cost of the visit was not small. Press cartoons showed desperate banknote collectors, receipts in hand, anxiously watching Churchill leave in his luxury car (lent by a wealthy businessman (mafia)). Some American journalists who had flown in with Churchill's party in plane, they even tried to force the Cuban state and the Hotel Nacional to pay not only for the rooms, but also for the food and even for the drinks." - common mafia practices - get everything for free!

And he is the one who starts talking about the "cold war."

Do you know what was fundamental about Cuba? It was the center of the Italian mafia. Hotels were owned by people like Meyer Lansky. Since the 1930s, the Mafia has poured some of its huge profits from the fraud that Prohibition gave them into Cuba. Just a stone's throw from Florida was land they could control. Without legal intervention, they could provide gambling, alcohol, drugs and prostitution to American vacationers. Why? Cuba was ruled by the dictator Batista, who was a partner in Meyer Lansky's operations. He took a commission of 10-30% of all hotel and casino profits. Batista's ability to help Lansky in his Cuban enterprise was long and when there was a break due to the lost elections in 1944, the mafia business continued. Well, after the coup in 1952 he returned to power and it was very much a return to the good old days. You could say the pigs were back at the trough. Between the end of World War II and the Cuban Revolution, U.S. direct business investment in Cuba is estimated to have increased from $142 million to $952 million.

Let's see the list of hotels they owned!

Hotel Riviera - Meyer Lansky

Hotel Nacional - Lucky Luciano

Hotel Seville - Al Capone

Hotel Deauville - Drugs and porn....

Night club Montgarte

Presidential Palace

La Casa de Al

Hotel Comodoro

and see the number of casinos in Cuba under this link! -

This conference was a turning point when the Jewish mafia syndicate led by for example, also Meyer Lanský, with the Italian mafia led by COSA NOSTRA - Lucky Luciano. The main "attraction" was Frank Sinatra, who sang this song...

At this point, during the week, a meeting was organized at the National Hotel people who were ashamed of their names, but through bribery and fraud, they got to greatness wealth. What else needs to be pointed out. During this period, the so-called old guard still ruled, which had the Cosa Nostra code in its little finger and they followed it. Their scope was not like today, but they were engaged in drugs, gambling and rather fraud. They did not try to dominate the whole world and impose different ideologies. However, they understood the need for necessary change. That is why they suggested cooperation with the Jewish people of the syndicate that was represented:

Delegation of the Jewish Syndicate

Abner "Longy" Zwillman of , head of the Jewish Syndicate in New Jersey, member of the commission of the National the syndicate.

Morris "M°e" Dahta Inn, , head of the Cleveland Jewish Syndicate, casino frontman (Desert

Las Vegas)

Joseph "Doc" Stacher , head of the Jewish syndicate in New Jersey, casino frontman (Sands

Hotel, Las Vegas)

Philip "Dandy Phil" Kastel in , head of the Jewish syndicate, Frank Costello's slot machine operation Louisiana and Tropicana Casino, Las Vegas partner.

The Jews were experts in working with money, but at the same time they were not very good at organizing the sale of drugs. People from COSA NOSTRA were specialists for that.

And that was the main thing. Cosa Nostra already controlled the whole world and the US had

caught the whole thing: Charlie "Lucky"

Luciano, former head of the Genovese family, former chairman, founder and member of the Commission. Luciano lived in Naples, Italy. After the meeting, he was named the chief of chiefs of the United States.

Meyer "The Little Man" Lansky, head of the Jewish syndicate, chief adviser on financial and gambling operations for the Italian Mafia in America and head of casino operations (Las Vegas,

Cuba, Bahamas).

Delegation New York - New Jersey

Frank "Prime Minister" Costello, boss of the Lucian family, member of the commission.

Gaurino "Willie Moore" Moretti, representative of the Luciano family.

Salvatore "Pope" Pellegrino, Luciano family consigliere and future front boss.

Vito "Don Vito" Genovese, Luciano's family caporegime and future boss.

Giuseppe "Joe Adonis" Doto, Luciano's family caporegime.

Anthony "Little Augie Pisano" Carfano, Luciano's family caporegime.

Michele "Big Mike" Miranda, Luciano family caporegime and future consigliere.

Albert "The Mad Hatter" Anastasia, boss of the Mangano family and future boss.

Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonanno, head of the Bonanno family, member of the charter commission.

Gaetano "Tommy Brown" Lucchese, head of the Gagliano family and future boss.

Giuseppe "The Old Man" Profaci, head of the Profaci family, member of the charter committee.

Giuseppe "Fat Joe" Magliocco, boss of the Profaci family.

Chicago delegation

Anthony "Joe Batters" Accardo, head of the Chicago Outfit, member of the commission.

Charles "Trigger Happy" Fischetti, Chicago Outfit consigliere.

Sam Giancana, head of the Chicago Outfit.

Buffalo delegation

Stefano "The Undertaker" Magaddino, head of the Buffalo family, member of the charter committee.

New Orleans delegation

Carlos "Little Man" Marcello, boss of a New Orleans family (some Mafia historians now dispute his position).

Tampa delegation

Santo "Louie Santos" Trafficante Jr., a Tampa family caporegime, moved to Havana in 1946 to oversee La Cosa Nostra and the family's casino and business interests in Tampa, the future head of the Tampa family.

The most important point in the negotiations was drugs. In total, four fundamental points were discussed, but drugs were the biggest turning point for the whole world....

Luciano recognized an increase in the smuggling of narcotics into American cities. That growth was supposed to be huge. In 1986, a report by the President's Commission on Organized Crime was released, stating that drug trafficking accounted for 40% of the country's criminal income. This 40% is $110 billion! Cosa Nostra has long been involved in drug trafficking. It first became big business in the 1920s, when Jewish mobsters first began operating in the area. Cosa Nostra was always quick to join the Jewish syndicate and they became partners. The drugs were supplied from France, Asia and the Middle East. When the war made such imports very difficult, supplies were brought in from Mexico. After

war, Costa Nostra was able to take control of the American heroin market. How is that to organize everything was probably the most important issue to be resolved at the Havana Conference in 1946. Luciano gave details of the proposed route. Once in Cuba, the narcotics would be shipped to American ports controlled by Cosa Nostra, particularly New York, New Orleans and Tampa. Shipments to New York should be handled by the Luciana - GENOVESE family, in New Orleans by the Marcello family and in Tampa by the Trafficante family. This was the most effective corporate organized crime. Upon his return to Italy, Luciano was said to have great influence in drug smuggling through his connections with the Mafia in Sicily and Italy and their Corsican equivalent. This led to what was dubbed the "French Connection" and the "Pizza Connection" over the following years. The French connection developed after the Italian government outlawed the production of heroin in the early 1950s. They quickly implemented a new system in which the Turkish morphine base was converted into heroin production in Marseille. Then the shipment was sent to Sicily or Montreal. From there it was transported to the United States of America by traditional routes. The French connection was so successful that it was estimated that 95% of the drugs brought into New York were controlled by Cosa Nostra, and most of the drugs were distributed throughout the country.

The French connection ended when the American government was able to force Turkey to ban opium production. The replacement was Pizza Connection. Luciano z organized another conference attended by bosses from America and Sicily. It was at The Grand Hotel des Palmes in Palermo, Sicily on October 10-14, 1957 and they distributed the drugs through the Bonnano family in New York. They used pizzerias all over the country as collection points. He was so successful that when investigators obtained information from the banks in 1980, they discovered that tens of millions of dollars had been "laundered" by being sent to banks in Switzerland and Italy. In 1960, the Kennedy brothers came to power with a promise to fight organized crime as hard as the law allowed. Maybe you already understand. that who was behind the liquidation of John F. Kennedy? Do you know why John Edgar Hoover, for example, didn't go after the Italian mafia?

John Edgar Hoover was an American lawyer. He was the first and longest-serving director of the US FBI. He was at its head from its founding until his death. - 1924 - 1972 - and that one the reason was that the mafia possessed incriminating photographs regarding his sexuality. And that is why he was only able to prosecute scientists and people who did not threaten the system and democracy in any way.


The Supreme Court of the United States of America decided in 1956 to limit the Justice Department's ability to investigate citizens for their political opinions, which Hoover took very hard. At that time, he founded the secret program COINTELPRO. In it, he continued his illegal investigation of subversive elements. Originally, he was tasked with disrupting the structure of the Communist Party of the USA. At that time, Hoover placed his agents on personalities such as Charlie Chaplin or Martin Luther King. Citizens only learned about its existence in 1971, thanks to the media. COINTELPRO became a major cause of criticism of Hoover and his office.

Already at that time, he established a secret archive of compromising information about prominent personalities. One of the publicized cases is the defamatory affair between Martin L. King and actress Jean Seberg. According to Jacqueline Kennedy, he also tried to defame King with President John F.

Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy.

When John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, Hoover led the commission of inquiry. In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson officially authorized him to be director of the FBI for life. - A job well done...

Coincidence, what do you think?

And as a bonus at the end is the creation of the city of LAS VEGAS...

In the desert is a lush coastal area that the Paiute, semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers, have known for hundreds of years as the "Big Spring." A trading party from Mexico came upon it sometime in the spring of 1830 and named it Las Vegas, meaning The Meadows. From the mafia's point of view, this was another significant date, but not until a little over a hundred years later. In 1931, the Nevada state government voted to legalize gambling in hotel casinos. The Mafia saw this as a great opportunity for them, as they were ready to get into the casino business, as they were with the cash from prohibition and black market trading... "Black" money literally poured into the desert city. A big benefit was the building of hotel casinos. Between 1951 and 1958, eleven new hotels were

built, ten of them on the proceeds of crime. In any other American city, the bosses would be considered criminals. In Las Vegas, however, they gradually acquired power, influence and respectability. "Boy, this is going to be the greatest resort in the world. Wait and see" Cuba was closed to them, Las Vegas was operating at full speed. Gradually Atlanta and other cities were added..

Well, wonder the world, that's where the Hoover DAM was built. The big dam that supplied water and electricity to NEVADA! In whose honor was the given dam named?

Officially, according to then-President Herbert Hoover, who was also there when the stock market crashed on Wall Street in 1929.

In late October 1929, the stock market crashed and the global economy began to spiral into the Great Depression. The causes of the Great Depression remain a subject of debate. In reality, they were the result of an ingenious plan by the mafia to create total poverty and thereby the possibility of blackmailing politicians. The fact remains that the subsequent steps are more than transparent, so when they allowed gambling and the construction of the city of the mafia - Las Vegas, at that moment politics became connected with the mafia.

Hoover Dam

Duration of construction: from 20 April 1931 to 1 May 1936

Number of victims: 112 men

The drugs that changed everything...

Those who supported Cosa Nostra in Havana argued that if they did not control the drug trade, other criminals would join. But the business turned out to be so profitable that other gangs came: Colombians, Mexicans, Chinese triads, Lebanese, Nigerians, Pakistanis, etc.

The problem with all this is the understanding that other nationalities were just local factories and employees of the Italian mafia. Well, here begins a new stage of the operation of COSA NOSTRA, which began to turn into a lawless mafia. The years passed. The business was working, but the old guard was dying and their sons were already marked by drug use. As I have mentioned many times, taking drugs means a complete personality change. This also happened in the world of COSA NOSTRA. It was after the liquidation of Kennedy that the mafia started the drug business on a large scale. Do you know Woodstock? A festival that was attended by an estimated 500,000 young people, and it was here that the dark ages for new generations began. Drugs, drugs and drugs.

Actually, let's see where LGBTI support started? In a bar owned by Lucky Luciano's clan - the Genovese! You can find the full article here: - That bar was called the Stonewall Inn and was located at 53 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village in Manhattan, New York. Four mobsters connected to the Genovese crime family bought the restaurant and reopened it as a gay bar in early 1967. The Stonewall Inn was a popular place for gays, especially youth and people on the fringes of the gay community. The Stonewall operated as a private club because it was not allowed to obtain a liquor license. The police often raided the bar despite bribes from the owners. After one such raid, the Stonewall riots took place from June 28 to July 3, 1969.

These riots are the unwritten beginning of LGBTI. Miraculously riots will start at the moment when Woodstock is also about to take place... And YES you have the year 1969 - The birth of LGBTI, WOODSTOCK, The fight against the war in VIETNAM, the birth of various cults such as Charles Manson (His people killed many innocents on his orders - Victims of the family became pregnant actress Sharon Tate rented with her husband Roman Polanski, her friends Jay Sebring, , which house are you Abigail Folger and Wojciech Frykowski and Steven Parent, who happened to be present on the property.

The group broke into the house on the night of August 8-9, 1969 and murdered those present by shooting and stabbing them several times. Susan Atkins used Sharon Tate's blood to write the word "PIG" on the front door - Ndrangheta loves pigs. They also killed Gary Hinman and members of the LaBianca family - Leno and Rosemary LaBianca - an Italian supermarket owner and his wife who ran a luxury boutique in their Los Angeles mansion. A whole network of serial killers was created.

Everything speaks clearly - For peace, for LESBIS AND GAY

Let's move to the present...

Do you understand what this is all about?

The connection of the Jews with the Italian mafia is a connection out of necessity. Jews operated locally and are something like Albanians today. The white horses that are most mentioned with drugs, but not the Italian mafia... The Italian mafia has a worldwide presence, which is why it's kind of like MC Donald. She invented the product and through her partners she has profits all over the world...

The war in Ukraine is the same as Vietnam

LGBTI and the Pohoda festival - it is like Woodstock in the USA in Slovakia. - and so it is all over the world.

A space for brainwashing of the new generation and an offer of a wide range of drugs...

Switzerland as a basis for the birth of tax havens...

The murders are not only carried out by ordinary people, but by the pawns of this mafia. Secret services that protect the system that was created since the beginning of the 20th century and was elaborated by the mafia after the assassination of Falcone and Borsellino.

A system of perversions was created. If we go back in time, we will understand why this is so.

The new generation of Cosa Nostra was losing the face of real gangsters and creating a lot of gays bars so that they can move among their own with less fear. And that is the reason why Cosa Nostra essentially disappeared and bears the name 'Ndrangheta. Today he is the SON of Chief Ndrangheti - a gay man who disguises himself as a woman. This is what the current guard of psychopathic lunatics is all about. For the whole world to accept their illness. That's why they created a whole crowd of SINATRAS who sang and were promoted on all televisions and media. That's why they organized concerts and had people from their space - gays like John Lennon, Freddie Mercury.

As a result, the whole world is in a total mess called HIV - Russia 1.3 million infected, USA - 1.2 million infected, and these are the official statistics. REALLY it is a consequence of the EUROMAFIA. Africa has 25.6 million infected and for example Nigeria 1.7 million!!!

Let's also look at the reason for asylum seekers coming to the EU... IT'S SIMPLE. Due to the fact that the production of drugs is very high in France, black people are ideal for them. The result of everything is complete crime throughout the EU and the own system they have created protects the Euromafia.

The fundamental point is the transformation of the old mafia and their bribery system into a system of creating one's own politicians and political parties. They understood that there is no need to fight against a few honest people when th they know how to replace their people. That's why you have copies of FICO, TRUMP, BERLUSCONI, PUTIN, Zelensky everywhere in the world....

They transformed into a mafia without rules. No codex. But a mafia without a code is a terrorist organization...

They created political - judicial - prosecutorial - police protection and adjusted the laws to protect them.

After all, there is still no anti-mafia law in the EU.........

But against a terrorist organization, yes, and that must be remembered, because the
EUROMAFIA of today is a terrorist organization....
And how to solve the given problem and not be part of the EUROMAFIA system?
We need to create a new space without their tentacles...


It's been a long journey, hasn't it? Today you probably understand why Vadala is in the east and has a pizzeria near the policemen? Do you already understand the drug routes that go from Slovakia to Turkey... and back? There's a lot you could have understood, but the most important thing is to face it and say enough. When we look deeper into the mafia itself, we find that they are real men with a height of up to 165 cm, so they had to vent their complexes somewhere. Basically, the point is that they were a laughing stock to the normal world, and therefore they were on the fringes of society. They were and still are individuals who can only destroy normality because they suffered from a lot of complexes. And therefore they could not be a real part of the healthy core of society. Well, today they just expanded their base with more psychopaths...

And with such a mix of people, you can only do one thing. Build new hospitals and close them there for life....

Your Pavol Pribela, head of the ANTIMAFIA AUSTRIA team.


Review question: What information was in this article about Henry Ford personally?

Exactly at that time, the mafia decided to create a whole host of characters - white horses, who worked for the mafia and thus the mafia became invisible. Do you know who Elon Musk's grandfather was? A man who became a technocrat.

Suddenly, like a bolt out of the blue, the company TESLA appeared, but it was not founded by ELON MUSK, but...

The company was founded as Tesla Motors, Inc. on July 1, 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Essentially, Musk came to the ready, so he is no magician and not even a pioneer of the future. He is the same henchman of the EUROMAFIA as George Soros and other insignificant persons, whom the world knows, but journalists could never go into depth with. Tesla and Musk, it would be a bust as always, but the expected happened. Subsidies from the US government and meaningless support of something that has no meaning, on the contrary, it is a road to hell for all of humanity. But EUROMAFIA loves these roads. If you realize that ENEL is everywhere and also in the USA, that they own a large number of power plants around the world and build wind turbines and solar panels, then you have the answer to where the wind was blowing from. That's why it shouldn't surprise you that the biggest effort for electro-mobility comes from BRUSSELS, where the biggest part of the EUROMAFIA henchmen sits.

Who is Joshua Norman Haldeman?

Elon Musk's grandfather's name was Joshua Norman Haldeman and, as is known, he was very wealthy and politically active. In South Africa he supported Apartheid - the rule of the white population, but what is important -

"On October 13, 1940, a Regina chiropractor named Joshua Haldeman appeared in municipal court to face two charges under the Defense of Canada Act.

His alleged crime was with Technocracy Incorporated, which the Canadian government banned a few months ago as part of a larger group it deemed subversive to the war effort.

Technocracy Incorporated was not a political movement—in fact, politicians or members of political parties could not join. It was founded in New York in 1933 as an educational and research organization advocating a radical restructuring of political, social and economic life in Canada and the United States, whose central operating principle is science." Where did this movement come from and who financed it - the Italian Mafia! Even - In February 2021, Mario Draghi, an economist and former president of the European Central Bank, was appointed to help manage the country's economic recovery after the pandemic. Draghi is a "technocrat" chosen for the specific experience he brings to the job they like technocrats, especially in hard times, and Draghi is the fourth technocrat prime minister there since 1993. You can find technocrats at the government level in Greece, France and Lebanon, among others, but none of them would be accepted by the technocracy because they still operate within a price framework system and still treat the "symptoms" not the disease.

Likewise, you probably won't be surprised that a year after the Havana Conference, the state of Israel was created as a lifeline if problems arose at the place of operation of various top members of the EUROMAFIA.