Never be Quiet (VICTIM)!


Believe in your inner voiceIt was a long time ago. The last days of August 2020. I sat in the living room and slowly fell asleep. Miška was sleeping in the bedroom. At one point I was awakened by a kind of shoving with the words: "Look outside!" I had no idea what was going on, but I listened to the voice. If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be here today. Everything outside was shrouded in darkness, and that never happened. I opened the bedroom door and didn't have to say much to Misha. "Look out! We have to leave." At the same time, when we were already sitting in the car about 5 kilometers from Glaneckerweg 5, we said to ourselves that this cannot be true. Why should this happen to us? However, after we came back at midnight for a moment, for a test, the neighbor quickly went out to the premises that belonged either to Herbert Holzknecht or to the already empty part of the hall where Jutta Ziegler used to be. He was back in three minutes. That sound is unmistakable. I worked at the airport and more than once I held gun cases in my hands. I know the noise they make when they fall to the ground. Marcel Pawlik was careless and threw the gun, wrapped in something, on the ground. We went away. This madness was repeated for several days. Even when we left for an unknown place, we were betrayed by our own lawyer, who took money from us and on the other hand did not believe us. We told her clearly what was going on. Together they tried to kill us 10 times. Do you know why? Because we made a mistake. We joined their game.....

Why did they kill so many witnesses and journalists?

The murders of Janko and Martina are not the only murders of journalists in the world carried out by madmen. There are hundreds of thousands of murdered people who came to operate this network of lunatics. Thousands of white horses were murdered in Slovakia alone. There are no statistics of children who left orphanages. There is no such thing as a statistic of truth. We have a lot of data about where mass graves are located all over Slovakia. This happens everywhere. The corrupt police, when they get a tip from their friends, they close all the cases that lead to their people as suicides. This is the case of my former classmate from elementary school - Ľuboš Csinger. At one in the morning, Ferus' friends pulled him out of the apartment and threw him from the seventh floor of the block of flats - through a closed window. Case closed as suicide. In reality, he owed a whopping 160 Slovak crowns for marijuana. The hierarchy of psychopaths in Nitra has been the same for years. Ferus directed the Albanians from Levice and they had their drug operations all over Nitra. He and Bodor outwardly went against each other, but it was not true.

Both belonged to a higher level. Politicians and the Italian terrorist organization. We can continue with Pavlo Rypal, who followed the drug route and got very close. According to a very good source - he ended up in acid. Miroslav Pejko is being forgotten. What unites all journalists? Uncovering the Ndrangheti in Slovakia. The same cases are all over the world, and that's just journalists. Here the question arises, why don't those who are most visible have a problem? Vagovič, Tódová, Rostas and others? Because they go with the mafia. These characters can write fictional stories that even Arthur Conan Doyle would not be ashamed of. If you exchange them for change, they are useful characters that literally help criminals become celebrities. They are changing public opinion to such an extent that people have started to excuse criminals. However, an honest journalist will never do that. In the world of journalism, one rule works: If you are better and honest, we will get you out of our world. It is obvious that Jan Kuciak was betrayed by Vagovič and Bárdy. Bárdy sent Kuciak on vacation, while he knew about the big problem that Janko had. Vagović lied unbelievably, but no one paid any attention to it. By the way. Chief Ringier Springer is connected to the 'Ndrangheta. Vagovič profited from the death of Janko and Martina, and now it is clearly shown that he is just a scumbag who was never a journalist, let alone an investigative one. Do you know what his final thesis was at the university in Trnava? About Tis...

Jyotirmoy Dey - India

A clear example of who journalists work for is the murder case of Jyotirmoy Dey - an Indian journalist who was killed in 2011. On 21 February 2012, the Bombay Crime Branch charged journalist Jigna Vora (Deputy Head of the Asian Bureau of Investigation) under the strict provisions of the Control Act. of Organized Crime (MCOCA) in the state of Maharashtra and various other offenses for her alleged role in the premeditated murder. Apart from the stringent provisions of MCOCA and the Arms Act, she has also been charged under various sections of the IPC including criminal conspiracy, murder and destruction of evidence. Jigna Vora has been under investigation by the Mumbai police since 4 July 2011 after police intercepted a conversation between Manoj, brother of Vinod Asrani, who was also arrested, and gangster Chhota Rajan. Police claimed that Vora gave the address and number plate of Dey's motorcycle to Chhota Rajan. The police claimed that Vora's professional rivalry was the reason for Dey's murder. Of course, the Supreme Court acquitted her in 2018, because that's how it works all over the world!

The problem of killing journalists is clear. Betrayal from within and alliances with the mafia. It is much easier for psychopaths to kill witnesses and people who oppose them. Since they are cowards, they never kill the orderers, but only a simple killer who is basically the same fool as his owner.

Ferus: "The problem is over. He's already lying there in Lužianky!"

It was May 2022 and Michal Šedivý disappeared. First of all, a normal guy who had his share of problems, but he never farted or took drugs. Miška came on the scene. They picked him because his family had enough property. MAFIA has its characters who are well trained. They choose a person through banks, cadastres. They put a heron on him and she processes him according to a proven scheme. He starts mixing drugs into his drink and food, and the result will not be long in coming. This also happened in the case of Šedivý. Michal started carrying hundreds of thousands in plastic bags, which he carried to certain people. Well, the whole caravan ended up in one company from Dubnica and belonged to Fic. Michal fought and did not give up. He hated drugs, and he grew to hate Michaela. Three months before he was murdered, he passed a test at a psychiatrist and was given back his driver's license with the addition that he was completely clean. He collected a lot of recordings, videos, documents, against the whole group in Slovakia. Train numbers, non-existent companies and VAT deductions. But he made a fundamental mistake. HE HAS NOT PUBLISHED DISCLOSURES. Instead, with the help of the honest ex-investigator František Fogda, they made a fatal mistake. They called NAKA. Despite the fact that he did not want to testify in Nitra, because he was afraid to go there. He was found in Nitra after he disappeared at the beginning of May 2022. No newspaper reported on the discovery of the body. Embargo. The case began to be investigated by the district police department - Nitra West. The criminal was not called. Basically a closed matter within a few days - SUICIDE. In the whole case, the main thing that does not matter is that when you notice picture 1 - it shows the real Michal Šedivý with a height of approximately 170 cm. In picture 2 - a dead person with a height of over 190 cm. The mother was refused identification of the body. They were even so insolent that they wanted the body to be burned! And today is the year 2024 and the computer with the data is in Bratislava. The question is, who married him? Why was he sent to Bratislava when, according to the police mafia from Nitra, it was a suicide? Or.....

It wasn't suicide. Michal's mother called Fratišek Fogda ten days after the funeral, which was very atypical. She had to order the largest chest for her son, who was 170 cm tall. Only the murderers know who really lies in the grave. At that time, Mr. Fogda was hiding in a psychiatric ward, as he feared for his life. As soon as he learned the given information, he confronted his colleagues from Nemšová, perhaps also NAKA. He ordered Michal's mother to take the car elsewhere for expert examination. That didn't happen anymore. František Fogda was found hanged two weeks later. They have no problem eliminating even their own colleague. More than once we have experienced the fear of honest police officers, when they themselves told us that they were called to a murder and saw a gun there. They called them off and their boss came. The weapon was lost.

Let's return to the case of Michal. A few months passed and we reached Sicily. It was August 2023. We were accompanied by a great person living in Nitra. We were talking about the Michal Šedivý case and suddenly he said: I remember it. At exactly that time, Ľuboš Ferus ran into the restaurant and excitedly declared: The problem is over, He is already lying there in Lužianki. Ferus had no way of knowing about Michal, but he knew about it. Was he at the scene of the murder? Because it was not a double, but a triple murder. Well, today they give Ferus space as a respectable citizen of Nitra. At the same time, he is a person who knows nothing else but to commit crime. His mother would know how to talk about it. There is a rumor circulating in Nitra that Ľuboš himself was conducted by his mother.

They will destroy you, because they are protected by the law of the mafia!

Do you know the case of Oleg Zemko? Mr. knocked down in Nitra while crossing a pedestrian crossing. The lady flew in a car and did not drive. Two weeks before he was killed, he wanted to meet with us and testify about Miroslav Bodor's connections with Judge Záleska. We didn't make it and we still have sadness in our hearts. He was found hanged in the Nitrian cemetery. According to information from informants, he was hanged by two alcoholics who were paid a few euros to dispose of him. Case closed as suicide.

What about the case of Dedeček?? Officially alcohol, unofficially according to our sources drugs.

Case Zamocka - LGBTI MAJDAN 2022 and "terrorist attack" - Prepared action so that the subsidiary company PS dominates the elections in Bratislava. Their owner is Smer and Euromafia.

We can go on like this forever, but the result is that people die because the system they created allows them to.

A journalist belonging to the mafia, so how to defend yourself?

As I mentioned earlier, most journalists are paid by the mafia. They get bonuses, apartments, cars, vacations. We are talking about the space that EUROMAFIA has completely taken under its wing. I've also released a few podcasts about it. In the moment, when you are a real person, no one will write a word about you. Why? Because the mafia will not allow their problems to be reported. And at that moment you are a problem for the EUROMAFIA. All you have to do is refuse to sell the arable land below the price or expose the doctor as a fraud or any other fact that goes straight to them. The basic rule of the mafia is: Destroy the system outside the spotlight. As soon as it starts being written and talked about anywhere, they already have a problem. YES. You are threatened with lawsuits, as Salzghreta is constantly bombarding us, but they can't KILL YOU anymore!!!!

Here is what I mentioned in the introduction. We complied with the mafia when we also took down the video on the recommendation of our lawyer Holzmann. We posted the video called LEGAL ODER ILLEGAL because everyone was protecting Salzghreta. And from the moment we took down the video, they tried to eliminate us in every way. First physically and then through corrupt police chiefs, prosecutors, judges, politicians. We understood that the only salvation not only for us, but also for other victims, will be an independent website where individual cases from all over the world will be published. Since May 2021, when we officially launched our website, Salzghreta has been able to fight an illegal process, which we have won across the board. They hate when they are written about somewhere, reported, and it's true. They hate when they are out of control and then have THEIR problem! The hierarchy of the EUROMAFIA is inexorable and unless the given member is on the highest rung, he is only a slave to the highest. That is the basis of everything that people do not understand. The Mafia is not a single whole, but an ordinary pyramid. Well, in EUROMAFIA, when even a friend of the highest is exposed, he can be eliminated. This is how it turns on the whole pack of psychopaths. Not only can they kill, but they can also smell violets from below. Am I sorry? Not. They are not human beings to me. It's the flaws of the system as their LGBTI product. That's why it is so true in life: Whoever digs another's pit, falls into it himself.

We gradually identified the members of the EUROMAFIA in this way and today they are a thing of the past: Silvio BERLUSCONI, MIROSLAV BODOR, HRUBY, TRNKA, FLAŠíK and many others.

The essence of this whole chess game is that victims and honest people should not die at the hands of the mafia, but let the mafia itself be destroyed because it does not trust each other. The pressure that is created is destroying them from within and our aim is to help all honest people.

Are we taking risks? 

Of course yes. These cowards cannot deal with the pressure and the revelation that they are actually just mentally retarded, and therefore this difficult and dangerous work must be continued.

Even if they have the most corrupt lawyers who have studied all the legal tricks, it will not help them, because at the moment of publication, it is the sentence of their end for every member of the Euromafia.

This is one of the few ways to scare them. With truth and courage.

AND WE WILL CONTINUE together with you.

Thank you for your support!